Welcome the words
The Creative Genius Blog
A place where I share Inspiration, Joy, Creative Learnings and Insights.

What If You Could Create Your Life?
I have the power.
I have the power to create my life.
You have the power to create your life.
When we realise this something in us begins to shift. Tectonic plates turn the very foundation stones that we’re standing upon, maybe stuck, only seeing one direction (no, not that one direction!). a microscopic myopic point of view. Tunnel visioned into a small circle like the one you peer through at the end of the kitchen roll!
The power to create your life.
It’s enough to get you off the sofa. And the thing is, you don’t even have to know what that means, what that looks like. You only have to be curious. And brave. It strikes me that these are the keys to this create your life malarkey…

Do you remember that 90s tune “I’VE GOT THE POWER!” by Snap!
Well, do you? HAVE THE POWER? And what the fuck does that mean anyways!?
I remember looking up the ETYMOLOGY of the word power. It comes from the LATIN – ‘PODERE’ - which means ‘TO BE ABLE’.
To be able.
How cool is that?!
So, essentially TO HAVE POWER is TO HAVE THE ABILITY TO DO, OR BE, something.
It makes me think of the word RESPONSIBILITY. To have THE ABILITY TO RESPOND.
And so on. You get the picture.
So, our first question is, WHAT ABILITIES DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE? You could call these your SUPERPOWERS!!…

The Art Of Passion
If desire is our driving force, then passion is its volume turned on and tuned up to high!
You see, when life, love and relationships get challenging, which they will, it's not enough just to have desire. It's too easy to give up. And we inhabit a world where this ‘giving up’ is rife, leaving us with scattered relationships, and a gnawing sense that maybe there’s something more that could have been drawn upon, that could have tended to the sparks that still glowed as embers, not quite extinguished.
We need something else, something stronger, something that is able to burn through the obstacles before us, and importantly, to burn us up, in service and sacrifice to something more. For that which we believe in; for what we ache for, yearn for; and for what we love, truly love.
Passion is this more sustainable force. It has a sacred quality to it. There's within its force an element of surrender to that which is greater than us.

Making A Meaningful Life
We are meaning making creatures, whether as artists or simply as the creators of our lives. We can’t help it. We dig deep. We want soul. We cannot live on the surface. When we feel lost and meaningless, we feel dispirited, flat, stuck, and lost. We need to make life mean. Not just in what we do, but in the ways that we spend the time between.

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Take the leap towards Empowerment, Joy, Freedom and Creativity. I am here for every step of your journey.