New Year Blessings
Some musings as we turn a new chapter. Happy new year beautiful people.
We are all story tellers. As we are all part of the same story. That of being human, living through our own modern version of war.
We reflect back upon the year past. Some of us with great joy. Others of us with deep regret. There may have been frustration and anger. Defiance and fire. There may have been felt the heaviness of despair or the weight of grief. Delight and hopefulness. Joy and celebration. New adventures and loss of freedoms. Fear most likely. Love most hopefully.
If you are anything like me, you felt all of these over the last year now departing like wisps of smoke. Fading into memory and into the fabric of who we are.
We look forwards and whether jaded and resigned, or excited and curious, we have no idea of the richness the year will bring.
No doubt lessons and truths found. No doubt moments that make time waltz and leave our eyes filled with magic. No doubt boredom and feeling lost. No doubt new friendships, kisses anew, and invitations that might have the power to stretch our edges, or change our lives.
Our lives. Happening now. In this moment between what was and what will be. It's always the way and it always will be. Where our feet touch the earth is where life is, and what we do with this time is what we become. We create our tomorrow as we have created the past.
You matter. We matter. I matter. For in the gilded stories that we play within, we all play a part. We are never not in relationship. To ourselves. To each other. And to the world that we live in.
It doesn't matter what we do, it matters that it brings us a feeling of being alive. Of tousling the hairs of our skin into presence and the power of choice. We belong to and with each other and we all play a story in the eyes of others.
We can share our gifts and these can be as simple and profound as a smile. We touch each other every day in ways that we know nothing about.
We can continue learning each other rather than make assumptions from our lack of patience.
We can seek to bring our generosity by simply being who we are, whether shy or awkward. Whether silly or serious.
We might be the city's healers or we might be the kind friend. We might be highly visible or we might be one of the many.
It doesn't matter. Because we all matter anyways.
Go forth dear friends. Live. Smile. Be kind. Be silly. Play. Be wild. Be bored. Be the one applauded. Be the one who observes. See with eyes that seek connection and not separation.
But most of all. Go and do what makes you feel the most. So that this year lights you up from the inside. We all need all the light we can get. The world needs all of our lights.
Loving you all. Onwards mighty warriors and queens. Onwards.